Vipul Jain

I am an aspiring Data Scientist and a competitive individual who is eager to learn new technologies and methodologies. I learned to code with different online and offline courses. My current field of interests are Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Currently pursing B.Tech degree from SRMIST,KTR,Chennai.

Recent Work

A Basic Document Scanner

A basic document scanner that scans an image an produces a better readable form of it,using OpenCV and Python.

IPL2020 Voting Poll

A voting web app that uses Django for webapp, ChartJS for visualization and SQlite for database.

A Weather App

A Weather app which uses HTML and CSS for frontend and Python-FLask for backend. All the results shown are scrapped from using BeautifulScoup.

Denver Crime Data EDA

EDA on Denver-Crime dataset from Kaggle using pandas, matplotlib and seaborn.

Simple Linear Regression from Scratch

This project determines the relationship between how many hours does a student studied with marks scored by the student using simple linear regression using gradient descent algorithm. This code is written in Python3.The only requirement is Numpy and matplotlib.

Chat Bot

This is the chat-bot build for a CA firm Samvad and Associates(Currently in Training Stage).